November 18, 2011

Final Miles Motivation

Andrea made this list of things that she will be thinking about during the last 10 miles of the marathon on Sunday. I think it is worth sharing!
Why should I keep pushing?
  • You trained smart and hard all year. BELIEVE IN YOUR TRAINING!
  • Prove to yourself that you are strong, you can mentally overcome negative thoughts.
  • Make everyone proud - parents, friends, on the blog, at work, etc.
  • Your times indicate that you can run way faster than the OTQ. You should be able to run 2 minutes faster.
  • It will feel so good as soon as you cross that finish line to know that you pushed yourself as hard as you could.
  • Feed from the crowd, wave so they will cheer louder and push you harder.
  • Focus on your form, run tall and smooth. Relax your jaw and shoulders.
  • This is something you can brag about for the rest of your life.
  • You are at sea level – this is easier than altitude. You are at an advantage.
  • Think of everyone that believes in you and is checking all your splits right now, hoping that you do well.
  • Prove that negative splits work! 
  • Save as much energy as possible - tuck in behind if near someone.
  • You weigh less than you have this entire year and are losing weight with every step to make it easier.
  • Focus on slowing down your breathing.
  • Count your strides.
  • Do not freak out over any mile split.
  • The bad patches will go away, just get through them and you will feel better. 
  • Every gel and drink are giving you extra energy for you to use.
  • Keep your confidence up. 
  • You're supposed to be tired, it's supposed to hurt. Get over it!
  • Focus on the person ahead. Try to reel them in.
There is not a whole lot that I can add to her list. I will be thinking the same things, and we are trying to execute the same race strategy - run as evenly paced splits as possible for the first 30 kilometers at OTQ pace, then drop the hammer and bring it home strong. We are going to run with blazing self-confidence, no fear, and no doubts... because that is really the only way to do it! 


  1. The quicker you run, the sooner it is over.

    Crush it, guys!

  2. I am so glad Andrea was willing to let you share this. This is a wonderful list.

    You guys will do great! Think of all of in utah who's sleep patterns you are ruining on a Sunday. ha ha! jk have fun and cherish the moment.
